, Tokyo - Indonesian short film "Maybe Someday" (Kala Nanti) directed by Praditha Blifa Rahayu won the Governor of Tokyo Award in the Live-Action Competition Asia International Best Short category at the Short Shorts Film Festival (SSFF) & Asia 2024.
This achievement was announced Monday (6/17), after the screening of 270 short films selected from a total of 4,936 applicants. Director Praditha expressed her excitement over the win. With this award, she hopes her film "Kala Nanti" could have the opportunity to reach more viewers and trigger discussions on inclusivity regarding people with disabilities.
“Maybe Someday” tells a story of a pair of close friends, Sri and Yanti. The girls, who are blind, live together in a dormitory. One day Yanti announced her plan to move out of town and pursue her dream while Sri expressed her disagreement regarding the decision.
The film explores the reality of blind people in Indonesia. The film also cast actual blind people Juliana Ira Astuti and Skolastika Nadya Valentine.